Over the past few weeks I have been taking a remarkable on line class with artist Kelly Rae Roberts, the class outlines the elements that are important in launching a creative business, facing fears and following your dreams.
Kelly Rae is an accomplished artist and successful business woman, who followed her dream of making a living as an artist. She shares her experience and the process that enabled her to be the success she is today.
What surprises me the most is that there are so many like minded and beautiful creative souls out there, all with real questions, real dreams and real fears. The experience has been remarkable and I have really enjoyed connecting with so many wonderfully talented people - it has been worth the price of admission!
Lessons learned?
Everyone has fear, even if they don't admit it!
Are you wondering if I have any fears? You bettcha! I would be lying through my teeth if I said otherwise. What am I really afraid of?
Oh you know, the usual, "am I good enough", "talented enough", "creative enough", crows feet, cellulite, Olivia's college tuition, the planet...... yes, there are lovely demons residing in my head doing the ChaCha with their hot pink stilettos, perky boobs and cellulite free butts trying to make me think otherwise.
But, I know deep down that they don't matter for one split second , because when inspiration hits, I know that it is coming from someplace that is bigger than me and I am going to listen and be grateful for the gift. I also believe that each and everyone of use deserves to see our dreams come true!
So here is to today - listen when inspiration whispers in your ear, ignore the demons and know that Anything is possible! I promise!
(now if I could only get over the fear of uploading a badge to blog - maybe my new book "Typepad for Dummies" will help - a title that spoke to me)
photo links available at: blue magnolia